by Joshua Mack | 6 Oct 2017 | Articles
Being religious isn’t usually thought of as a good thing. In fact, for many people the word “religion” is a negative term. You will even hear Christians who say, “I am not religious. I have a relationship.” And, some will go so far as to say, “Jesus hates religion.”...
by Stuart Chase | 29 Dec 2016 | Articles
As we approach the end of another year, one trending topic on Twitter has been #WorstYearEver. No doubt, a good many people have reasons to think that 2016 was a particularly disagreeable year. But the aforementioned hashtag has little to do with difficult economies,...
by Zander Viljoen | 6 Jan 2014 | Articles
If I had titled this article “What You Can Do On Sunday” I suppose there would not be a single Pharisee interested in the article. Pharisees were interested in how impressive they could be in their pursuit of the letter of the law. They were in show business: “See how...
by Tyrell Haag | 9 Dec 2013 | Articles
I was inspired to write this I saw an article called “8 ways to stop going to church without anyone noticing.” Initially I thought it was a good simple article, but on second thought I feel that the issues it raises are more the fault of those holding the individual...
by Joachim Rieck | 18 Nov 2013 | Articles
“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5:19 ESV). Soon after I was converted, I learned about the importance of cultivating a thankful heart by telling others what the Lord had done for me. This...
by Doug Van Meter | 28 Oct 2013 | Articles
Every gospel-loving local church should be a family friendly church. After all, we want the next generation to know the love of God in Christ Jesus, and this is best preserved through families that believe the gospel. What a joy to observe parents raising their...