Greetings, brothers and sisters, from Coastal Bible Church in Muizenberg, South Africa.
“Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.”
Today, we live in an extremely permissive society, one that is running rampant with open and blatant sin of every kind. While Christian, it has been heavily influenced by Christian principles. Yet today, we are living in the post-Christian era of the western world and are rapidly moving into an anti-Christian world!
Humanism, worldliness, materialism, immorality, and naturalism have bombarded the so-called Christian church and have even very subtly affected our Bible-believing churches. It’s become so weak that it’s no longer making an impact upon many cultures; rather, culture is making an impact upon the church! The major reason the supposed church is so weak is the false teaching being propagated in so-called Christian circles. The Bible is compromised, rationalised, or disregarded altogether.
It appears that judgement upon the professing church is inevitable! Why hasn’t it come already? What is holding judgement back? One reason is that a sovereign God is holding it in check for purposes relating to the return of Jesus Christ. Another reason is that there are still many true Christians in this world and God is holding it back for their sakes. God is holding back judgement because he is still giving people the opportunity to repent and turn to Christ before the judgement does come!
Yes, we can expect judgement for all ungodliness. The scoffer might say, “I don’t see any judgement. We’re powerful, rich, prestigious. People may be more promiscuous, but this is the 21st century, not biblical times! Where’s this judgement you Christians talk about?” But the judgement is coming, it is as certain as the holiness, justness, and sovereignty of Almighty God. Remember, God’s ways are not our ways, and while the mill of God may grind slowly, it certainly grinds surely.
Our Church
We continue to preach through 2 Peter, and I am encouraged by the impact that the letter has had on the lives of the saints. For example, they have become much more vocal with extended family and friends about who/what is watched on television, as well as where they fellowship. In their own homes, they have become more selective in the programs that they watch and what spiritual advice they accept. Please pray that there be fruit.
We have almost completed the The Language of Salvation, in our Bible studies and I am happy to report that folk now have a more complete knowledge of what the Bible says about salvation. This understanding has reflected a new fervour among the saints to be more proactive in the life of the church. Please pray that we continue to build upon the wonderful truths.
We are starting to see more ad hoc visitors at our services and at our Bible studies. The common thread running through the reasons as to why they are searching, is, “We are not seeing the Bible in church anymore.” Please pray that these folk will put down roots, as they have many bondages to break. They have family tradition, worship style, bad teaching, and many other shackles. It would seem that the conviction is there, but the follow through is the struggle. Please pray that biblical truth will set them free.
Winter is starting to show its face and we are planning to go into the night with the gospel. Our ladies make soup, which we put into flasks and then we split into teams and, driving around the community, minister to the homeless, walkers, security guards, petrol attendants, anyone that is on the street, over a cup of hot soup. Please pray for fruit. This also creates a safe environment for folk to become comfortable in ministering to strangers. Please pray for boldness.
I continue to walk the streets and beach area in our community. People are acknowledging me more and more and are even approaching me to pray with them. I have noticed several new initiatives in the community that seem to be competing against one another! Bigger signs, bigger blessings, bigger prophecy, bigger healing, etc. Please pray that the true gospel will be preached.
Ministry Opportunities and Involvement
Ministry with the Bible Institute continues to be a great joy to my heart, as I see these students grow in knowledge and grace. The students are doing well as we draw to the end of this course. Please continue to pray for me and them as we all seek to honour the Lord in this.
Please continue to pray for the Drakenstein Prison. Pray that our brothers continue to persevere in their studies and that their ministry within the prison bring many to a saving knowledge.
The Cramer Family
In terms of our family, our lives are returning to normal, although how “normal” can it be with a new bundle of joy. We continue to be super excited, especially Granny, with daily updates and progress on Rae. Michelle is smitten and it is manifesting in my wallet! We praise God that Shelby is turning into a wonderful mother and André has really become the doting father. They have stepped into their parenting roles beautifully. Please continue to pray for them.
Please pray for Tristan and Natalia as they settle into their new home in Florida. With a new home comes many short- and long-term decisions. Pray that their two different backgrounds may result in a balanced, God honouring, way forward.
Freddie and Angelique are settling into their marriage well and plan a visit to us in Cape Town in July. Freddie has taken a new position within his company. Please pray that he will be a blessing in his new role. Angelique has started a new venture. Please pray that this adds value to their household.
Pray that the door will open for Sven to visit from the UK. He has not been home for several years, and I suspect that this is taking its toll.
Above all, please pray that our children are gospel focused.
Pray for Michelle, who is struggling with joint pain and has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I am told that this has no cure, but can be managed, and we trust solely in the Lord.
Please pray for me: I have been having several migraines which is impeding my work.
Prayer Requests
Pray with us:
- that we will stand firm in our conviction;
- that our leadership training and mentorship will grow;
- that individual Christians will be prepared to count the cost of following Christ;
- that our visitors will grow and stay;
- that the right venue for gathering will become available;
- that we will remain safe during our outreach efforts at night;
- that the gospel message will saturate our area and many will come to know Christ; and
- that those who are unemployed will be given work.
Thank you for taking time to read my report and for praying for us.
“Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.”
Yours in Christ,
Des Cramer, pastor
Coastal Bible Church
Muizenberg, South Africa