Dear friend,

Hope this Christmas is a joy to you and loved ones.

Have always taught that joy is not a matter of circumstances. And I believe that. But, it is one thing to say it another to live it. A few months ago I started preaching through the book of Philippians. I have read this book close to 100 times the last two months. I can’t help but be reminded of Paul’s mentioning of Joy above all themes but one. The reason Paul mentioned Joy a lot was perhaps he mentioned Jesus Christ a lot. His preoccupation with Christ made him joyful. I am learning that if I can occupy my mind with other things, then it is possible to occupy my mind with Christ. The good Lord knew I had to be studying this epistle of Joy at a time such as this!


The Philippians series is being received well. We have been enjoying a steady growth, spiritually and numerically. If we continue with this steady growth, we will soon find ourselves in need of another place to worship. While we would appreciate that “problem” the reality is, it is not easy to find a place as the one we have i.e. Accessibility and affordability. Mobility is a challenge at our Church plant with most people depending on public transport and others walking to Church.

Laymen Training

Four young men in our Congregation, who had never taught before were granted an opportunity to teach through a series titled “Gospel Centered life”. I literally almost wept hearing the first guy teach. In fact a young lady from Netherlands, who visited the Church that Sunday, thought this young man is one of the pastors at the church plant. All this was testimony of an excellent presentation he did. The other three have also exceeded our expectations in how they have been able to teach with simplicity, clarity and with a depth that belies their lack of experience. I appreciate how they are now talking personal studies seriously. One of these young man, said, “I am the one benefitting the most here”. It is really a joy to see the church plant have more young men who are able to teach well. This week some of these young men will be teaching the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith at a friend’s Church.

Evangelism Training

Almost every Saturday, we go out to evangelise the Community around our church plant. This for me one of the joys of my life. So, naturally it can be frustrating when the excitement seems lacking in others. I mean, who wouldn’t be excited with the “Ministry of Reconciliation?” I noted that only a handful of us were consistent and excited about evangelism. I realised that it’s not true that people are simply not excited about evangelism. Most just don’t really know or lack confidence to witness. So, I announced that we will have training for those interested in evangelising effectively. Almost the whole Church showed up for this training. We have done the training twice and we will be resuming in the New year. Our goal is that witnessing effectively will be as natural as breathing. We do not desire that this becomes a program. But our lifestyle. Our plan is to give our members practical training. That is, those that are experienced will be taking the less experienced and slowly bringing them in witnessing conversations.

Membership Class

We are thankful for the people the Lord is bringing to us! We would also like to be vigilant NOT to admit anyone to membership. While we are happy to see Sunday attendance soar, we are not excited with numbers for the sake of numbers. So we are SLOWLY conducting membership class. We are taking the prospects through our statement of faith (What we believe). We has a small book called “What is a Healthy Church Member” by Thabithi Anyibwile as required reading. This book succinctly summarises what we are looking for or hoping our prospective members know before we admit them to membership. We like to tighten our Gospel Lock so that we admit only genuine believers.

Family Update

As you already know my beautiful bride has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and Vasculitis. We are overwhelmed by the encouragement we have received by our praying friends. And we are thankful for that. Yesterday we went to see Lilongwe’s only Neuro Surgeon. Yes, she is the only one. And we are about 2 Million people in Lilongwe.

After seeing Vanessa’s MRI images she said “my friends we have no capacity to deal with this problem here in Malawi. But, I can write you a letter to send you to India. Do you have money to take your wife to India?” She then took us to an MRI expert who went through the MRI images and said “in my experience with MRI, your wife’s condition can be treated with medicine or surgery. But, the first option will be medicine. But, the only medicine we can give you here is Panado for her headache.

Our best option now is to travel to South Africa. The earliest appointment we could secure is in February and are hoping for an earlier appointment to materialise.

What we are learning about Doctors is this: Most are like consultants. And, a Doctor friend said, certainty is almost impossible in medical care. That was at first unsettling until I gave it a thought. And, I am reminded that our true hope is on the Ultimate Physician, the king of Kings. Whose work on the Cross was complete. He is seeing us through this. And we are Certain He will continue seeing us through this. What a time to be preaching through the book of Philippians. The letter of Joy.

Prayer Request

Please be praying for wisdom as we consider the best way possible for Vanessa and our family. It is unsettling but God is with us and for us.

We are in dire need of help. If you are able to help us meet our travelling costs and medical expenses for Vanessa. Will you prayerfully consider helping us! Any amount counts. If you are able to, please direct your support to: Name: Mission Malawi. ABSA bank: Account number:  9283856437.

In Christ’s strength,

Newton, Vanessa and Chisomo.