Trinity Baptist is a Reformed Baptist church in Mbhokota Village, a small rural village in Limpopo, South Africa. It was established in 2009 when Paul Schlehlein, a US missionary, began living and evangelising in our village in hopes of planting a gospel-centered church among the Tsongas. Nearly all the members of our assembly are first generation Christians, brought to Christ either through evangelistic home Bible studies or Christ-centered, verse-by-verse teaching at Sunday worship. At Trinity, the Word is our treasure—the word referring both to Jesus Christ our Lord and the inerrant Scriptures we hold in our hands.
Five C’s that Describe Our Doctrine
We are credobaptists. We love the ordinance from our Lord (Matthew 28:19–20) that places baptism—though not saving (Luke 23:43; 1 Corinthians 1:17)—after a credible confession of faith.
We are confessional. We love, recite and memorise the written creeds, confessions, and catechisms of the past because they remind us of Christianity’s historic roots, protect us from false teaching, and educate both our adults and children of Scriptural teaching.
We are Calvinists. We love the doctrines of grace because they fuel our evangelism (1 Corinthians 18:9–11) and remind us that God alone saves sinners (Jonah 2:9).
We are complementarians. We love God’s design in making men and women equal in value but not in role. The men in our church are entrusted with the responsibility of preaching and leading (1 Timothy 2:12; 3:2), while the women are honored and encouraged to carry out their important responsibilities (Titus 2:4–5).
We are Cessationists. We love the authoritative Word of God, our only rule for faith and practice. The greatest deterrent to our ministry is the prosperity gospel and Charismatic movement, whose emphasis on dreams, miracles, and prophecies distort the gospel and minimise the sufficiency of Scripture.
Church Name: Trinity Baptist Church
Country: South Africa
Region: Limpopo
Village: Mbhokota Village
Physical Address:
Mbhokota Village
Stand Number 3298
Limpopo, South Africa
Paul Schlehlein
Contact Details:
Paul Schlehlein: +27 74 041 6064 or
Given Chauba: +27 74 432 0170
Solane Maluleke: +27 84 800 4038