Pride and Prayerlessness

Pride and Prayerlessness

More frequently than I care to admit, I find it hard in the morning to bend my knees. In fact, I often find it difficult no matter what time of day it is. And I am not referencing an increasing awareness of arthritis. I am speaking about something far more...
Eight Elements of Effective Prayer

Eight Elements of Effective Prayer

For the past two weeks we looked at an introduction to a series on “Teach us to Pray.” We concluded that prayer is a condition of the heart and that Spirit filled prayer is often borne in an environment of suffering. This morning I want us to look at “Eight Elements...
Praying the Price

Praying the Price

As our church has been studying Hebrews 2 we have been growing in our appreciation of the reality that our Lord Jesus Christ, our “Elder Brother,” has once and for all defeated the devil, the one who for so long held us enslaved to the fear of death. Jesus secured...