Below, you will a ministry update from Seth and Amy Meyers.

The update below covers ministry work among Sola 5 churches and church plants in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Be much in prayer for these believers and churches, particularly in Zimbabwe with the recent political turmoil in that country.

We thank God for faithful gospel-preaching churches.

New Believers in Zimbabwe

Recently, our family travelled into Zimbabwe to visit the families of Wastemore Sarireni and the twin brothers Jastone and Justice Sebola. Each of these men are part of Sola 5-planting churches in the poorest places of Zimbabwe.

At Wastemore’s house, we feasted on fresh turkey and talked into the night around the fire with s’mores. He and his wife have adopted seven children, but they made room for our family happily. Wastemore is leading a men’s group on Wednesday with eight men from his own church and about fifteen others from the village. His eighteen-year-old son desires to follow his father’s footsteps into the ministry.

On Saturday, our trusty Toyota took us about 300 km away to see the Sebola brothers. On Sunday, the service lasted three hours before the baptismal testimonies began. Seven candidates presented themselves, but only six were baptised as one asked for more time to consider the gospel. One of the ladies, Rachelle, spoke in Sotho, which Justice translated for us. “I am a sinner in Adam, and also because of my own actions.… Now I know that the Father chose me before the world, and the Son died for me. I am ready to follow Jesus Christ.”

I asked her what people or circumstances God had used to save her, to which she replied, “I used to attend different churches, but none of them teach salvation. Early this year I began studying with the pastor and his wife.” Six new members including the first man were added to the nine who were baptised last year in March.

New Believers in South Africa

The very next week was Reformation Day as we recall the great works of God in the past, and pray for power in the present battle. Three Tsonga churches and two church plants gathered along with the English-speaking congregation that we have been serving with for the past two years. The singing was lively, and Paul even translated a hymn for that day. Wisley wrote four pages for his baptismal testimony—I do not think I have ever heard a new Christian profess his faith with more doctrine or Bible verses. Then Tintswalo Kubayi declared her faith in Christ showing real humility and willingness to obey the Lord Jesus Christ. A number of unconverted but interested sinners from the new church plants in Mambedi and Riverplaats heard these testimonies, and we trust will soon close with Christ.

This service was particularly pleasing because all the believers gathered for the first time in Elim Baptist Church’s completed building. We thank God that EBC is healthy and “selfish.” Please pray for these who have been baptised that their roots would go deep.

Strengthened by the past for service in the future,

Seth and Amy