Dear brothers,
I trust you are well and already in gear as you look forward to be about our Father’s business.
Preparations are on the go as we are looking forward to our first Pastor’s Seminar for 2015. The theme for this seminar is “The Biblical Standard for Leadership” and we are excited to have as our main speaker Rev. Gideon Beukes, deputy principal at The Bible Institute of South Africa.
Gideon has been a tremendous blessing to us and has been involved since we launched our first pastor’s seminar in June 2014.
We are amazed at the early fruit we are already seeing since we started with the seminars. One of the Pentecostal pastors (Ps. Moos Titus) with his entire family left the movement after yet another church split and is now fellowshipping with us since October last year. He attended all the seminars and started visiting our church. He soon started to enquire about good books to read and bible study material. He and his family have found Reformed Faith Mission Community Church to be their home. Thank God for giving us fruit for our labour!
This is the kind of testimony that makes you realise that God is a saviour of the worst of sinners, even those whose name is Nicodemus.
Your prayerful and monetary contribution to this ministry is part of the means of grace that God uses to change the life of Pentecostal pastors such as pastor Moos Titus.
We will once again send out a call for support towards this seminar and pray that those churches and individuals who gave towards the previous Pastor’s Seminars would not get tired in giving again towards these upcoming seminars for 2015.
We would need approximately R3000 to cover all costs for this seminar, but I will send more details with regards to this later.
Our Bank Account details are as follows:
Account Name: Reformed Faith Mission
FNB Cheque acc.: 62505439663
Branch: Civic Centre Bellville
Branch Code: 200910
Reference: Pastor’s Seminar Feb2015