The past year at Free Grace Baptist Church (Boksburg, SA) has been one of seeing God preserve our perseverance. After 13 years of peace and unity, division erupted and split the church. Unrelated, but happening at the same time, the church building we were using was let out to another group. We found ourselves hurt and homeless. Nevertheless, our faithful Lord and Saviour continued to love His church and to come in and sup with us.
One of our Deacons, Albert Rosenstein, opened up his home and we’ve been comfortably meeting there since December. Thinking this would reduce the number of visitors we see, it has been amazing how many new people have just walked in and become regular with us. This move also put us back in the sleepy suburbs away from the buzz of the CBD. We had to re-work our outreach. Realising that most new people to the church came via the web site, it was decided we need to utilise that. A couple young men in the church made up posters with provocative questions: If Jesus loves me, why is life so hard? Did the devil make me do it? What do I do when my child won’t listen? Is God really in control? Why is tolerance so intolerant? After posting articles to answer each question on the web site, our Young Adult group stood out by the street with these signs handing out flyers with our web address. As of May 2014 there are nearly 300 people registered on, and visitors continue to come in. Despite all difficulties our Lord continues to build His Church.
Our finances have been hit hard due to our recent upsets as well. Nevertheless, our Father knows how to take care of His children. Sister churches have jumped in and helped, some by providing particular needs we’ve had, others by monthly contribution to us and one offering to pay our rent if we can find a more permanent place to meet. By God’s grace through His people, we have been able to meet all our expenses each month.
The Easter weekend is always a special time for us as we hold a series of meetings to specially focus on our Saviour’s death and resurrection. Thursday evening communion was followed by Good Friday morning, and Sunday we hosted a Sunrise service followed by breakfast and the main worship service. It was a blessing to have Dave Holdt and the brethren from Springs Baptist Church join us again this year. It was also a great blessing to have Mike Brunk and brethren from Kathorus Bible Church (Katlehong) join us for the first time this year. There must have been a hundred people gathered around Albert’s
pool enjoying a bit of re-enactment from that great sunrise 2000 years ago.
We at Free Grace Baptist Church are so grateful to our risen and exalted Lord for His preserving of us. It is the only way we have been able to persevere. May we continue to do so in “hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:1-5).
Working for your joy in Christ,
Jeffrey Gage