Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We are grateful to what the Lord has done for us this year. Indeed, his mercies are everlasting and his steadfast love endures forever.


We started this year with uncertainty regarding our place of worship, but we are thankful that we have managed to find a new place of worship that we have thoroughly enjoyed through the year. We have not had any problem to report about the new place and indeed are grateful to God for this provision.

Although we lost almost half of our members due to the uncertainty that preceded our move to a new place of worship, we are grateful to God to still have brothers and sisters who are steadfastly committed to the work we are trying to accomplish. We do not take them for granted and we thank God daily for their faith and the obedience they have towards our Lord.

On 10 November 2019 we had a Thanksgiving Service. We are thankful for the fellowship of believers on that day and also for the many visitors we had.

Our Sunday school children, and the church in general, have been a source of joy for us. The excitement they have shown towards our Bible study in systematic theology has been unexpected. The manner in which they have worked hard to memorise and publicly recite these doctrines is a marvel to watch and we can only hope for spiritual fruit in their lives.

As preachers, we work very hard to improve our preaching, both in hermeneutical and homiletical point of view. For this reason, we rejoiced greatly when we noticed a great improvement (in homiletics) in one of our deacon’s preaching.

Our corporate prayer life has improved, which has been something that we have been struggling with for some time. Our fasting and prayer weeks have been welcomed by the church and we greatly rejoice to see how prayer is valued.

Although we wish to have had more evangelism outreaches, we are grateful that we have managed to have many Saturdays of open-air preaching outreaches.


  1. We love our new place of worship; however, it is more expensive that we would like. We are considering finding another place, which will be convenient in terms of rent. Pray for wisdom and God’s leading on this matter.
  2. We long to see conversions. Pray for a great harvest of souls.
  3. Of all the years that we have been involved in this church plant, this is the first year where our fatigue levels are excessive. Pray for a good rest this December and more physical rejuvenation for the year ahead.

Yours in Christ,

Bheki Bembe and Sello Rasephei
