Dear brethren,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am grateful that you are taking time to read my report on how God is working in our ministry, his wonders to perform.
Family Life
We are doing well and have recently started to read through the book of Romans. This seems to be very interesting to Zoe, who wanted to know why the Apostle Paul was put in prison and whether he is still there.
Please pray for me and Jenna as we are trusting the Lord for more children. Pray for our spiritual growth and that God will use us as a family for his glory.
Update on Gang Activities
In the past two weeks, we have had at least two gang members killed. One was knifed and the other shot through the head.
The one gang member that was knifed to death was part of the notorious Hard Living Kids gang, better known as the HLs. He was killed by a young man who was previously held hostage by the HL gang, assaulted, robbed and continuously threatened, most likely with the aim to force him into joining the gang. Two weeks ago, they tried to chase him down and the gang member that was in pursuit of him wanted to stab him in the back but he turned around and blindly just swung at him with a box cutter and gutted his neck. The guy died on the spot. The courts the next day ruled that it was self-defence and the young man was release under police protection. Many young men are forced into gangs in many ways. Sometimes they are manipulated and sometimes, as in this case, they are threatened with violence. Please pray for this young man—that the Lord will keep him safe and also that the Lord will open a door for the word as this is a gospel opportunity.
The guy that was shot and killed used to be the best friend of a drug dealer in Bellville South. Let’s call the drug dealer Peter. Peter is one of the drug dealers who has been responsible for many shootings in Bellville South. We have shared the gospel with him on various occasions. My request to you brothers and sisters is to really pray for this situation as we are expecting retaliation at some point. We fear the loss of innocent lives and bloodshed. Pray that God will give wisdom as I will seek to meet with these gangs.
Meeting with the Rangers Gang
Many of you read Mario’s report about the brother Enrico’s brother who was shot and killed last month. The perpetrators were actually out to take down some of the Ranger gang members. We struggled to set up a meeting with the gang (Rangers) to prevent retaliation and mainly to share the gospel. After a few failed attempts, we decided to just rock up there without an appointment. This decision turned out to be very fruitful in terms that we got most of them that evening together with some of their parents. These boys were between the ages of 17 and 21.The gospel went out that evening—messages of hope and warning against the wrath of God. As we were sharing our testimonies and exposing the lie of what is taught in many gangs, I noticed that these guys did not really know what they were getting into. Our prayer is that God will save these young men and dissolve the gang. Please pray for upcoming intervention with them.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the men I am meeting with weekly (for salvation).
- Pray for my weekly outreach to the homeless shelter, street preaching, etc.
- Pray for the new Bible study outreach to the scheme area.
- Pray for the recent shootings in our area, that God will save gang members through our gospel witness.
- Pray for our work here that the Lord will give us fruit that will last.
Thank you for taking time to read this brief report. I apologise for not always being able to add pictures.
“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)
Yours in his service,
Quinton Maneville