Dear brethren,
Greeting in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am grateful that you are taking time to read my report on how God is working in our ministry his wonders to perform.
Family Life
The Lord has been very gracious to us, carrying us from one day to the other. I can gladly say that it is well with my soul.
I am happy to announce that I did not buy a pair of blue sneakers in vain for the Lord has blessed us with a soon to be born baby boy. This means I got to pick a name. I am so excited.
Please continue to pray for Jenna and the baby as the doctor reported that he is growing a bit slow due to Jenna’s hypertension condition. We were advised to have her eating much more vegetables, liver and fruit, also to cut out all salty and spicy food.
Zoe is currently doing schoolwork from home. We are very pleased with her teacher being very diligent in providing their everyday lessons. We are also privileged to have Jenna’s cousin living with us, who is assisting Zoe with her schoolwork.
The Gospel is Not Under Lockdown
Since Passover weekend, I decided to do open air preaching on a Sunday after family devotion—around 12h00–13h00.
I later decided to get some of my sermons and to preach from Monday to Thursday. Some of the brothers were very eager to assist but had to turn around as I reminded them of the lockdown regulations. I decided to start every evening from 18h30–19h45. Amazingly, people from our community got themselves ready each evening sitting in front of their homes to hear the gospel.
Some even dared to come from the nearby streets to listen. For the whole week, I got reports from the community on how they appreciated to hear the word preached. I also took the initiative to live stream the open air on Facebook. This had a widespread impact as people are still sharing the videos on social media. We praise the Lord for the means that are at our disposal.
I will, by God’s grace continue to do this every other week. I long for your prayers in this regard.
Prayer Requests
- Continue to pray for Jenna and the baby.
- Pray for Mario and I as we seek for ways to be an encouragement to the church and as elders to serve them well under these circumstances.
- Pray for those who have heard the gospel the past week that God will save them.
- Pray for me as I will prepare to preach again in weeks to come.
Thank you for taking time to read this brief report.
“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)
Yours in his service,
Quinton Maneville