Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am grateful that you are taking time to read my report on how God is working in our ministry his wonders to perform.


Jenna and I are doing well. With regards to our unborn child, we had an appointment with our doctor to find out the gender of the little one, but to our disappointment he/she was laying with legs crossed not allowing us to see a thing. Clever little baby, was all I could say.

February—Month of Corporate Evangelism

Wow! February is definitely one of our busiest months and that goes for every year these past ten years. We had our first month of evangelism in November 2010. What really sparked this initiative was the closing of so many churches over the festive season. We then moved it to February a few years ago. I really cannot recall the reason for doing so, but the Lord has been good to us over the years.

We have had very many interesting discussions with a lot of people and it was a blessing to hear some of the members sharing the gospel and showing such spiritual growth.

It was a great tragedy to learn that, a day after we had our last open air service, a young man was killed in the park where we had the open air. I was told by his mom that she warned him not to be out late that night but he decided to do otherwise which resulted in him being attacked and killed. The following week, I was afforded opportunity to preach the gospel to that whole community at an open air wake service arrange by the family. There were about a hundred people, young and old, in attendance. Praise the Lord!

During our month of corporate evangelism, we heard about a few people who made a profession of faith. One lady was in agony over her sin and had been attending our church for the last year. She told Jenna and me her story:

“For a while now I felt the Lord convicting me to repent of my sins. I made up my mind to go out for prayer on Thursday evening after the open air service but they came calling to say my child is not well. After attending to him, I rushed back only to find that the service was over. I was so disappointed. That Friday, again, I couldn’t sleep and till early Saturday morning I was sitting outside under heavy conviction. My husband asked me who I was waiting for and I told him that he would not understand. Long story short: On Sunday morning after church, I told Sister Jenna that we urgently need to talk. I went to her. Praise God for giving me the change to be reconciled to him through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.”

That was basically her story—and she went out with us the very next day to share what God has done for her through his Son, Jesus.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray that the church won’t slack down in its witness to the world.
  2. Pray that God will give us lasting fruit for our labour.
  3. Pray that Sister Marietha, who made a profession of faith, will continue to grow in her faith and be a testimony to her husband and to her family.
  4. Pray that the Lord will give the elders wisdom to lead the church.
  5. Pray for Jenna and I as we trust the Lord to safely preserve our unborn baby till the due date of birth.

Thank you for taking time to read this brief report. I apologise for not always being able to include pictures.

“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)

Yours in his service,

Quinton Maneville