Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am grateful that you are taking time to read my report on how God is working in our ministry his wonders to perform.


For the past few weeks, Jenna has been under a lot of pressure at work and had to work late at least two days in a week. This had impact on her health but I can report that the Lord has been gracious. Through this I can see how the Lord allowed her to grow spiritually. I listen to her at our Wednesday Bible study and when she prays for me. I praise God.

My heart nearly broke the other day when Zoe came to me asking whether God hears a sinners prayer and, without thinking, I answered, “No.” She broke down in  tears and I could see the worry in her eyes. In a panic she cried to me, “Then I won’t get a new heart!” I praise God for this opportunity to once again share the gospel with my seven-year-old daughter who understood that she was a sinner and needed to be born again. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Pray that God will grant Zoe a new heart. She asks for it in almost every prayer. Pray that Jenna and I will be a godly example to her.

Meet Gill

Gill is a nine-year-old boy who lives in our community. He stays with his mom at a drug den. I recently learned that his father also stays at a drug den on the other side of Bellville South. Both of his parents are on drugs, which means that they often neglect him. Despite the many challenges Gill is facing, he managed to be among the top fifteen learners at his school. By God’s grace, Gill has not turned to drugs or any sort of illegal activities. In my last report I mentioned that Jenna and I are planning to take him in and to raise him as our own. After my chat with his parents, they told him to stay away from us. They told me they will take care of their own child and did not need our help, however this does not seem to be the case. Please continue to pray for us as we look to persuade the parents that this is in the best interest of their child.

Church family

For the past few months God, by his Holy Spirit, has done beautiful things in the life of the church and individual members. Ever since our visit to Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC, our view with regards to the church has been enhanced. The Lord has opened our eyes to have a much higher view of his church which he bought with his own blood. Discovering the love that our Lord had for the least of the sheep deepened our love for one another and challenged us to live a more sacrificial life—to spend and be spend for the sake of the saints. Our new members were fascinated by this concept, which was only, sad to say, wishful thinking in their previous church. A genuine loving relationship amongst believers was what they saw in the Bible and something they were longing for—simple friendships, simple people a simple church. We praise God for the authentic relationships in our church. Not too long ago we were worried about the condition of our congregation and we trust that God will sustain us and continue this beautiful work amongst believers.

A few years ago, I remember praying and trusting God to provide the church with godly men to assist in the work of ministry. At the time it was just Mario and me; today we are more than eight men, of which many are able to preach and to teach. Godly men are a gift to the church. I have learned that church planting is a slow work but Christ is building his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail.

Pastor’s seminar with Chris Woolley

Every year in the months of April, July, and October, we have our pastor’s seminar. We were so honoured to have had our brother Chris as our speaker in July. Those who attended the seminar fully enjoyed him. We as a church really want to thank the leadership and the members of Midrand Chapel for allowing their pastor to minister to us in such a manner.

We have decided that our focus for the year should be on ecclesiology. We were amazed by how our brother addresses the theme “The Features of a Healthy Church Leader.” This was divided under the following topics: (1) The Character of a leader; (2) The Covenant of a Leader (Marriage); (3) The Children of a Leader. This was a holistic approach to the fundamental building bricks of true godly leadership. We want to thank our brother for addressing these topics in a challenging, yet helpful, way.


Firstly, we give thanks to the Lord for his grace that allowed us to do another seminar and be of service to the body of Christ. We praise God for allowing our sister churches to contribute to this and pray for God’s continued blessing upon them. We do appreciate every gift and every prayer.

We also want to thank Riaan Boer of Christian Book Discounters for providing each pastor with a copy of the book 9 Marks of a Healthy Church.

Prayer requests

  1. Pray for the salvation of the men with whom I am meeting weekly.
  2. Pray for my weekly outreach and for God’s protection as I reach out to gangs in the area.
  3. Pray for the recent shootings in our area—that God will save gang members through our gospel witness. There has been shooting every weekend for the past few months.
  4. Pray for the new Bible study outreach to the scheme area.
  5. Please pray for us as we are busy negotiating to buy an old church building.
  6. Pray that we as a church will live lives that are worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for taking time to read this brief report. I apologise for not always being able to add pictures.

“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”(1 Corinthians 9:16)

Yours in his service

Quinton Maneville


Reformed Faith Mission Community Church