Dearly beloved,

Please find attached our ministry report for the months April–August 2017.

Please keep us in your prayers as we are still looking for a permanent place of worship.

Yours in Christ,

Mario F. Maneville
Missionary Pastor / Church Planter
Reformed Faith Mission Community Church

Ministry Report of RFMCC | April–August 2017 

“We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints” (Colossians 1:3–4), especially for us.

These past few weeks I have been personally overwhelmed by your love and support towards us and the members of our local church. We are so grateful to the Lord for his undeserved kindness that He is pouring over us through the members of his Body.

It has been an eventful year for us and time is ever so quickly passing on. I am constantly aware of our responsibility to redeem the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16).

Please take some time to read through this brief report for your encouragement and much needed prayer support.

April 2017—Pastor’s Seminar with Dr. Tim Cantrell

We have had another challenging, Christ-exalting seminar with Tim Cantrell as our speaker. These Pentecostal pastors were called upon to examine whether they’re really living a life worthy of the high calling of the pastor.

The seminar is divided into three sessions and each session spoke directly to the life of the pastor, his responsibility to the flock and his accountability before God.

Session 1—Are you sure you want to be a pastor?

Session 2—The marks of a good minister

Session 3—An ordinary ministry

We had about 76 people in attendance most of which were pastors and some “apostles and prophets.”

We are grateful to Antioch Bible Church for blessing our communities with the ministry of their pastor.

Open Air Preaching with Tim Cantrell

Tim was a little bit out of his comfort zone preaching an open air service in the infamous “Hell’s Kitchen.” However, the gospel was clearly preached—comfort or not!

May 2017

As you know by now, due to the violent nature of our community we have many funerals. This has become a lucrative source of income for many churches in our area. Churches charge up to R3,000 to conduct a funeral regardless of whether the deceased or their family is a member of the church. This presents us with many opportunities to bury people (we do not charge for this service, but rather see it as an evangelistic opportunity), which gives us the privilege to preach the gospel to people that would never set their feet inside a church building. This time we had the opportunity to bury a Pentecostal brother and to do the memorial services leading up to the funeral.

This was our dear brother Cebo Omelo’s (in the picture with me waiting for the hearse to arrive) first funeral. He assisted me with conducting the funeral. Cebo was a deacon at Free Grace Baptist Church, which our brother Jeff Gage used to pastor. He and his family joined us last year October. Please pray for them as they settle in with us. He and his wife Lusanda has been a huge encouragement to the church.

June 2017

We were privileged to have Marc Bresson and his elder from Gospel Fellowship in the USA with us again. Marc brought a team from their church last year in March to do a week of outreach with our church in our community organised by the Bible Institute of South Africa. It was so encouraging to hear of the impact that the outreach had on their team and their local church. This time he brought his elder with to experience first-hand our ministry in Bellville South. What a humbling thought to know that God is using our small, weak little church to impact the lives of those on the other side of the world! “Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but to your name give glory, because of your mercy, because of your truth” (Psalm 115:1).

As is our custom, we always take advantage of every opportunity as an occasion to preach the gospel, and the visit of Marc and Kent was no exception.

July 2017—Pastor’s Seminar with Dr. Victor Kuligan

Our second pastor’s seminar for the year with Victor Kuligan drew out some heated discussion as some of the prominent pastors of Bellville South had their view on the sovereignty of God in salvation crushed and corrected. Dr. Kuligan has authored four books and is a co-author with respected theologian, Robert Yarbrough. The seminar was focused on his book, The Language of Salvation.

What a blessing it was to see the “lights go on” for many of the pastors as Victor dealt with the doctrine of election and what genuine salvation is. Most of these pastors has never really considered the sovereignty of God and its implications. Some of them got angry at the idea of a God who chooses those whom he will save
apart from the “free will” of man. Many of them understood for the first time what grace really meant. It was such an encouragement to have some pastors come up to me during our lunch time and admit that there is much that they still need to learn and that these seminars make them realise that the Bible is the highest and final authority. Please pray that God would allow us to continue with these seminars and that it would bear lasting fruit in the lives of these pastors.

Our next pastor’s seminar is on 21 October 2017. We look forward to your support.

We are grateful to the Lord for HeartCry Missionary Society who sponsored every pastor with a copy of Victor’s book, The Language of Salvation.

Gang Violence Erupts

Our community has been reasonably quiet for the past few months until about a month ago when the shooting starting again. Three gang members were killed in Hell’s Kitchen and just a few weeks ago three people were shot with one killed in the street that I stay, about four houses from where I live. The dead body of the guy laid in my street for almost three hours before the police came. This happened in brought daylight and we soon found out who the killer was and why he killed this man. One of the drug merchants has put a hit out on this man and the two gang members he was with. The other two got away, but were also wounded.

Fortunately, we quickly found out who the guys were that put out the hit and who the contract killer was. For the past few weeks, we’ve been trying to get hold of them to share the gospel with them before they kill anyone else or before they themselves are killed.

By God’s grace, we were able to get hold of two contract killers and two drug merchants and were able to challenge them with the gospel. Please keep us in prayer as we engage with these guys. Our church is evidence that God is able to save drug dealers and murderers, for such were some of us.

August 2017—Missions High Tea

We had our annual Missions High Tea on 19 August. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness and prayer for unreached people groups and missionaries that work in the hard to reach nations of the world. This year, we focused on “The Persecuted Church.”

Most of the churches in our community are oblivious to the fact that there are still people who have not been reached with the gospel and that there are Christians who are living under severe persecution from their government to their own families.

The event was a huge success as 140 people from different churches came together to pray for the top fifteen countries where persecution is most severe. This was also another opportunity to share the gospel with unbelievers who also attended the event.

We are reminded daily of God’s grace towards us and the privilege we have to suffer for our Lord. May his name be exulted all over the world and his gospel boldly proclaimed where you live!

P.S. Hope to see you all at the Sola 5 Conference 2017 (D.V.).

Thank you for taking the time to read this report.

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept my word, and have not denied my name.” (Revelation 3:8)