Dear friend,
Greetings in the matchless name of King Jesus.
The good Lord has been doing amazing things in our midst despite the pandemic. And, we are resting in his promises. We have had a busy and productive time. The following is some of the highlights.
Church Family
Like most churches globally, we had been “meeting” virtually. What an experience it was. We encouraged each other that it should not be the responsibility of the elders alone to call and visit each other.
It was encouraging to see how this helped many others reach out to their brothers and sisters. This is hopefully going to be cultivated. We want the church to know and embrace the fact that the church is not there to primarily meet their needs but for their equipping so they can do their actual work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11–12). It has been encouraging to see more people taking ownership of the work of encouraging each other and exhorting each other especially during this pandemic.
Men’s Ministry
Our country went to the polls two weeks ago. As the men we got together among other things to pray for a free and fair election. We entreated our God to give us a leader that will enable as a church to be what we have been called to be.
We are thankful that the elections were credible and the will of the people of Malawi was done and respected. In this part of the world, it is not easy for the ruling party to lose elections. But, this time they did. The winner is actually a solid Christian who used to pastor a church.
Last Sunday, we had the privilege of baptising five people. Their testimonies were very clear and reminded us of what God has done in their lives and ours. We will be welcoming them next Sunday to church membership.
Last Sunday was a super special Sunday. Not only did we have baptisms, we also had an ordination ceremony of Emmanuel Mpeni. He has served for about four years and has proven himself above reproach.
We are all enjoying good health. Last weekend Vanessa and I went for a retreat at the lake to rest and have time for unrushed conversations without the kids. We are thankful for that opportunity. We also had a great time reading and discussing books.
Praise Items
Praise God for:
- five baptisms;
- Emmanuel’s ordination;
- new members; and
- good health.
Prayer Requests
Pray with us:
- that we will trust God’s character in the midst of the pandemic ravishing our economy;
- for wisdom as we shepherd the growing congregation; and
- for resources for our family house project.
Until they all hear,
Newton, Vanessa, Chisomo and Karabo