Dear brethren,
Please find below the latest ministry news from Makhaza Reformed Baptist Church in Khayelitsha, South Africa.
The Lord has been good to us a family this year. We have had ups and downs, but we thank the Lord that has carried us through. Sometimes, in all the work we do, our families get limited time with us. We hope to improve in balancing the work and family life.
I will be on leave for December, until the second week of January. We will be travelling to the Eastern Cape to my wife’s hometown. We are glad to have a break so that we can have time as a family. The kids are on school holidays as well. We pray that we will come back next year more refreshed and ready to serve again.
We thank the Lord for sustaining us thus far. It was a year with its own challenges, but the Lord has continued to give us the measure of grace enough to go through those difficulties.
As the year comes to an end, during this month, we put most of our ministries on hold till the beginning of the following year. Many of our people originate from the Eastern Cape and so many of them take holidays or close from their vocations and head home. We had a closing function for the Sunday school kids: They were taken to the beach by their teachers and some church members. To conclude the year, the church also had a braai as we said our goodbyes to each other during this time.
We are still praying for the church building and ask for your support. The report we have received from the City of Cape Town is that they are giving us up until the end of January to pay. Currently, we have raised up to R40,000.00—all thanks to the Reformed Faith Mission Community Church, which gave generously towards this project, even though they need more funds for their building project as well. We now need R60,000.00 before the end of January. If you are encouraged to give, here are the banking details:
First National Bank
Account Name: Makhaza Reformed Baptist Church
Account Number: 7477 0085 171
Branch Code: 250 655
Reference: Building Fund
This month, on the radio ministry, we focused at the work of Christ revealed in the Old Testament, and another session focused at his work revealed in the New Testament. It was good to look at this issue since many struggle to connect the Old Testament with the work of Christ and many end up spiritualising the text. Also, in the New Testament, many people are not familiar with the work of Christ being explained from the text. So the talk was well received by the listeners. I had some follow up questions from some pastors who needed more answers on the talk.
Prayer Items
- Pray that the Lord will keep and protect us as most people are travelling and there is always an increase in road accidents over the festive season.
- Pray that the Lord may help us as we take a break and prepare for the new year.
- Pray for funds for the church building, if the Lord wants us to have it.
- Pray that the Lord will continue using the opportunities we have so that people will be exposed to the gospel.