Dear brothers and sisters,

Please find below the latest ministry news from Makhaza Reformed Baptist Church in Khayelitsha, Western Cape.


We continue to thank the Lord, as a family, that he still gives health and provides for us. The kids are growing and we continue helping them with their school work and doing devotions together. My wife has been really helpful with them. She has spent much time with them, teaching them, which also gives me time for doing preparations.


We are still grateful as a church that we can continue to worship him even though it still difficult for us to meet for church services. We have not had positive cases yet, and we thank the Lord for that. Bulelani and his wife are recovering at home after his wife spent at least a week in hospital. We thank the Lord for your prayers during a difficult time for the family. Continue to pray for our church members. Although the Lord has been with us, some have lost family members and some family members have health problems.

The Lord has been helping us to continue assisting those who have lost their jobs during this time. With regards to the building, things have been a bit slow and the process was delayed by lockdown. We are still in the process of buying the property, and the City of Cape Town has given us the final amount of the property, which is R97,500. We continue to ask for your prayers and support so that we can complete this process. The building is badly vandalised, which means there is still a lot of work ahead for us.

The radio ministry has been continuing very well. The program is focusing on training young believers in understanding Christian foundations. This month we have been looking at the person of Christ and his work. It also opens an opportunity to answer the listeners’ questions. The good thing about the show is that we build from a previous topic to the next, so there is consistency, since they decided not to have various guests to teach on these topics. At least this makes things flow smoothly without controversies or someone teaching things that will contradict with another. The feedback has been very positive from the listeners, and we praise God for this opportunity.

Prayer Items

  1. Pray for our family: for the Lord to continue helping us in spending time together in devotions and prayer.
  2. Pray that things will improve so that we can go back to our church gatherings.
  3. Pray for the church members who have lost their loved ones and continue to lose them; and also those who are struggling with health issues.
  4. Praise God for the improvement in recovery of Bulelani’s wife.
  5. Pray for the radio ministry to continue making an impact on many that are reached by it.
  6. Pray that we can conclude the process of buying the church building, and that the Lord may provide for this project.

Thank you for your prayers,

Sizwe Maseti