On Sunday, 4 November, Kitwe Church in Zambia opened their new worship centre.
God blessed beyond what we anticipated! Sunday morning, 361 people gathered for the opening and dedication. Many unchurched people from our city came out in support of the opening. Some of these are people that we have tried to reach for years! There were a number of visitors from other religions: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and people from churches that do not preach the gospel.
The entire service was structured to introduce the core reason Kitwe Church exists: to preach Christ and him crucified. The music team led the congregation in worship, Jamie Smith sang “We Believe” as a statement of our faith and Phil Hunt preached the gospel from 1 Corinthians 2:1–5.
It was such a joy to see the hundreds of people remain after the service and enjoy fellowship with one another. Another reason for joy was to watch our church family come together to serve. Hundreds of hours were put in preparation, so many people stepping in to use their gifts and talents.
It was a blessing to have about seventy children ages 2–12 participate in the children’s ministry this past Sunday. We are grateful for the children’s spaces that have been created in this new building!
Please pray for the gospel outreach and follow up with the many visitors. Ask God to bring a harvest of souls for his glory. Christ is building his church, and we couldn’t be more excited for the privilege of being part of it!