Dear Sola 5 family,

Thank you for all your prayers. We are confident in knowing that you are partnering with us as we serve at Grace Bible Church.

Our Family

We thank the Lord for the provision of good health so far.

The Nyanda family.

Lauren is doing well. She is running around the house and looking for new things to break. We are not complaining and recently celebrated her second birthday (10 October). Both Warren and Karen are back in school after being on break for almost ten weeks. Karen is now in Standard 6 and Warren is in high school and doing Grade 11 already! Where has time gone? All in all, we are thanking the Lord for the great things he has done for our family. Patricia is truly a blessing to us all in this household. She tirelessly makes sure that we are all well fed.

The Lord provided for us to attend the Zambian Reformed Conferences from 25–30 August. It was a joy to travel eight hours together as a family on a bus. The children are still talking about this adventurous trip and Karen is still cherishing the twenty verses she memorised at the children’s conference. Warren now has a friend from Zambia whom he found at the Conference. It truly was a blessing for our family.

At the Zambian Reformed Conference with Pastor and Mrs. Choolwe Mwetwa.

Grace Bible Church

On 7 September, we had our church conference titled “The Power of God.” We wanted to address the power of the gospel in our lives by answering the questions of “What is the gospel?” and “What is not the gospel?” The turn up was not as we had anticipated, but the word was faithfully preached so that, after the conference, some people have already starting to ask for our next conference.

Some of the participants at our September Conference.

Our college Bible study is currently in recess waiting for the students to come back from a break. It is encouraging to see that, even though they are on break, they are still hungry for this Bible study. I am receiving messages indicating that these students cannot wait to get back on campus so that we may carry on with our study of 1 Corinthians.

We have targeted a community closer to where we meet. Our door-to-door evangelism is intentionally focusing on the people from this neighborhood. We intend to find a house which we can turn into our church office in order that we may be easily located. The fact that we do not have a property of our own is not helping us in being taken seriously within the city. We believe that, by renting a house in this community, we will be more useful and will have a more stable place to send those we will be reaching out to with the gospel. We need your earnest prayers to this end. Our church attendance has improved. It is encouraging to see folks coming early for our morning Sunday Bible study. We pray that this will continue.

Church services.

Thank you for your prayers. As we trust the Lord for the planting of healthy churches in and around Malawi, it is a fact that we cannot do this all by ourselves without the prayers of the saints such as you. Do not cease top lift us up to the Lord as you pray. For this month, this is how you may pray for us:

  1. Pray that our family will always trust God even as we serve him.
  2. Pray that our kids will continue to grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
  3. Pray that God will bless our efforts in evangelism, that he will add to our numbers those who must be saved, that he will give us the capacity to disciple them.
  4. Pray that the Lord will provide the needed funds for us to find a better positioned house in one of the communities around where we meet for church.
  5. Pray for our country as we go through some uncertainties due to the disputed presidential elections on 21 May.

To God be all the glory for all that he is doing in our lives. Thank you for being part of what the Lord is doing here in Malawi.

Your brother in Christ,

Kondi Nyanda

Grace Bible Church