Greetings in Christ alone,
The Lord, whom we serve, has been faithful to us here at Grace Bible Church. Your earnest prayers can be felt as we labour in our Lord’s vineyard. Thank you to those of you who have taken time to lift us up to the Lord in your prayers.
Our Family
Praise be to God who has spared us some serious visits to the hospitals. In a country where malaria is common, and where children under five years are prone to be attacked by this deadly illness, we can only be grateful to God for his mercy on us. Our three children are all doing well. Warren is in high school doing Form 2, and Karen is in primary school doing Grade 5, and Lauren is still learning how to walk. What a joy to have a mother who cares for them tirelessly. She is always making sure that we are all well and ready to do our expected duties. I am grateful to God for honouring me this way.
We continue to reach out to whoever the Lord leads us to reach for his gospel. We have had a consistent attendance from our members lately and have had an influx of visitors. Our main challenge so far has been our venue for worship. We continue meeting at a school where two other churches also meet. Both of these churches are quite loud and sometimes we are distracted. We have been wanting to move to a more suitable place, but those places do not come cheap at all. We are trusting the Lord to either find an affordable property to buy or a decent place to rent. Keep us in your prayers that the Lord will lead us to a better location soon.
Planting a church is not an easy task; planting a Reformed church in a place where “the American gospel” is so rampant is even harder. Please, pray for all those who are faithfully labouring for the faithful preaching of the word wherever they might be: in the ghettos or in the best locations.
Cyclone Safe
Our dear friends in some parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe have been hugely affected by Cyclone Idai, but we are safe. In other parts of Malawi, some people are still missing and many have been displaced. God is still in all of this. May the Lord help us to reach out to those that are in desperate need of basics.
Prayer Requests
Also remember us this way:
- That the Lord will bless our evangelistic efforts.
- That, as a pastor, I will be faithful in reaching out to all those who need to be counselled and encouraged in their walk with the Lord.
- Pray that the Lord will provide for us as a family.
- Pray that we will have the joy of serving Christ always.
Your prayers and support are needed. Should you desire to partner with us in any way, you may contact us through this email:
Yours in Christ,
Kondwani Nyanda