Dear friends,
We are thankful as a family for your prayers and your support. God has been sustaining us by his grace. The health of my wife has been improving a lot. Due to that, she’s doing well with her postgraduate certificate in education. She is hoping to finish her studies at the end of the year. As a family, we’ve been working on adopting a child. We are now towards the end of the process. We are thankful for that.
On the ministry side, things have been encouraging. My wife is involved in the kids’ ministry. Many of the kids who come to our church come alone. One of the parents told us that her kid loves our church and they share with them every day about what they have learned. We are hoping that God will use this ministry to draw the parents to church.
Easter weekend has been a busy in the township. Many people believe that during this time one must go to church. As a church, we’ve been using this Easter weekend to reach out to the lost and to encourage our members. This year’s attendance of the conference was the biggest compared to the years past; to this effect, we had to extend our meeting place with a tent. Some people could not be in the sanctuary.
How can you pray for us?
- Pray for the kids’ ministry to grow more and more.
- For strong leaders in the church.
- That the adoption process may run smoothly.