This week our Bible studies (and some friends from like-minded churches) congregate on Wednesday evening at 7:00pm to hear from the Coordinator for Africa and Middle East of HeartCry Missionary Society about missions and the Church. We look forward to you joining us.
What is Our Mission?
“The one supreme, all-pervading, all-unifying mission of your life is to joyfully and sacrificially declare and demonstrate that the glory of Christ is more precious than life, and thus to help all people—including all the ethnic groups and all the religions of the world—discover the glory of Christ as their only hope of true and everlasting joy” (John Piper).
“Reconciliation. Reconciliation simply means that man and God can get together. God has called us to preach this message. To train our people so they can preach this message. This is the mission of the church. This is what we go into all the world to do. This is what we preach to every creature. This is the content of the great commission. I believe that if there was anything that Satan would want to attack it would be the church’s understanding of this message” (John MacArthur).
On Wednesday, 25 of April, from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, Crystal Park Baptist Church Benoni will host the Coordinator of HeartCry Missionary Society for Africa and Middle East, who will introduce the society and their work. This event is aimed at pastors and church members and is open to all other likeminded churches.
HeartCry, spearheaded by Paul Washer, currently supports approximately 255 missionary families in 43 countries around the globe (four in South Africa—Chris Mnguni, Richard Raven, Tsholofelo Kukuni, and Mario Maneville, with others coming on board soon).
Please consider joining us on the evening by sending delegates which represent your missions team. You could share the Facebook Event or this post to other interested parties.
Agenda for the Evening:
- Open in Worship
- An introduction to HeartCry Missionary Society
- The philosophy of HeartCry Missionary Society
- An overview of South African, African and world missionaries
- Some successes, failures and learnings from the field
- How churches can partner in South Africa for the Gospel
- Questions and Answers
- Prayer for missionaries
What Kind of Church are We?
The four distinctives below emphasise our core values arising out of our understanding of the Scriptures and answer the question “What kind of church are we?” It’s the kind of short, sweet answer you’d want to convey to a family member, friend or neighbour that you invite to church.
- A biblical teaching church: The Bible is front and center of all we teach and do.
- A fervent worshipping church: The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever and we love to do that together with other saints.
- A loving fellowshipping church: We exist in community, together loving our Lord and our neighbours to His praise and glory.
- A passionate evangelising church: We are reaching out to a changing world with the changeless Word.