Greetings brothers and sisters,
Please find herewith the latest ministry news from Brino Kumwenda and Christlike Baptist Church in Malawi.
Personal and Family
I thank our Lord Jesus, for making it possible for us to celebrate Urunji’s first birthday. Urunji has grown into a happy person during the past year. During hymn singing in church services, he thinks they are danceable tunes. He ends up dancing to them faster than we are singing them.
Along with Kondwani, I continued to teach courses in theology to a group of believers including my wife. I instruct her in hermeneutics, Christian leadership, and communication. She is one of the top two performers in class. I thank the Lord for her passion for the knowledge of God and living in light of it. Also, she has been able to share what she is learning at church and school with others.
I had a farewell meeting with these intelligent and wonderful boys from Rafiki. They sat for the final year government exams. That means they are saying goodbye to Rafiki. Rafiki adopted them when they were under five and has raised them up to now.
Preaching from John 3:16, I challenged the boys to examine if they are genuinely saved and to repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus if they are not saved. I challenged them that if they are not saved, they risk having hardened hearts as is usually the case with people who have grown up in sound Christian environments yet have been rejecting the gospel for years. They tend to be too familiar with the things of God. But I must say these have been wonderful boys and I believe the Lord has been working in their lives. I have heard testimonies from the foster mothers how their lives have been transformed and they believe it is because of the mentorship programs I have been having with them.
Earlier, I met the International director of Rafiki, Karen Elliott, with Steve Kranz, the director of facilities and services from US and Jay Richards, the leader for Rafiki Foundation, Malawi. The meeting was aimed at entering into partnership in regard to equipping local pastors and lay leaders with Christian literature such as from Ligonier and Crossway that Rafiki is in partnership with.
Love the Church Conference
Prayer Requests
- Ourselves and our families: to know the riches of our salvation in Christ and that our families would too.
- Our city and nation: to abandon their idols and worship the one true God.
- Provision of financial resources to Christlike Baptist Church, towards the university and secondary school campus outreach, towards conferences we plan to have this year such as Redeemed, Rooted in Scripture, Couples at the Cross, and Confessing our Great Faith.
- The ability to purchase our own land and towards building the auditorium for worship.
- The ability to secure a better and safer place for worship.
- The provision of a piano and PA system.