Dear brethren,
We rejoice every time we think about brothers and sisters who have us in their hearts and prayers.

Central Baptist Church Sunday Worship
After a long time of hospital visits with nasal polyps and the appointments being postponed countless times to a point of thinking that I might not get the operation, I was suddenly called and admitted. The following day I got the operation done safely and was discharged the second day to heal at home. Praise the Lord, I’m recovering well—and my wife has been taking good care of me. Thank you for praying with us.
Here’s what been happening in Rustenburg.
After a long time of hospital visits with nasal polyps and the appointments being postponed countless times to a point of thinking that I might not get the operation, I was suddenly called and admitted. The following day I got the operation done safely and was discharged the second day to heal at home. Praise the Lord, I’m recovering well—and my wife has been taking good care of me. Thank you for praying with us.
Here’s what been happening in Rustenburg.
One of our desires is to reach out as much as we can in the community of Rustenburg, but as I indicated previously, our efforts to reach out to schools and colleges are often met with suspicion and push back. We decided to set aside time every Friday morning at five to commit this to prayer. In prayer, one gets to realise how inadequate and weak they are to carry out the mission of God without the strength that God provides—and all that we want to do is resign ourselves to the will of God.
We have seen answer to prayer with a few doors opening for ministry.
An outreach to the homeless. Lorato, a brother at church, has been reaching out to the homeless every Sunday morning by conducting Bible studies. Lorato is passionate about spreading the gospel and this has been a great encouragement as we hear the reports during corporate prayer with the church on Sundays. Our prayer is that this will result in souls being drawn to God for his glory.
An open door for school outreach. One of the exciting opportunities is an opportunity I received to be a regularly preacher at a nearby school (St Augustine Christian Private School). This means that I would get the opportunities of sharing the gospel with the school staff at their meetings as well as the learners of the school during assemblies. Reaching out is not only limited to the school staff and learners, but also the learners’ parents who are invited to meetings and other functions where the gospel will also be preached. We thank the Lord for answered prayers and continue to pray for doors to open to reach out to more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Preaching at Memorial Service at St Augustine Christian Private School
A Testimony to the Power of the Gospel
In the last report I wrote about the problem of false prophets that is plaguing Rustenburg towns and villages. Many people are drawn to these “churches” desperate for miracles and “breakthrough” in different areas of their lives. The struggling economy of Rustenburg provides a context in which these rogue churches thrive by preying on the desperate masses.
But it is in this seemingly dark place that the light of the gospel shines triumphantly. God still draws those who belong to him. One of these people is Tony (shared with his permission), who is currently going through membership classes with our church. I met Tony early 2018. The day we met him, he was visiting a member of our church who was sharing the gospel with him. So we just exchanged greetings and encouraged him to come to church.
It turns out, the previous Sunday before we met him he visited ECG, which is led by a prominent false prophet hailing from Malawi. He decided to “give it a try” and visited CBC.
Tony visited once and decided to keep visiting. On one occasion my wife and I got to sit down with him and his wife, wanting to know why he kept coming back Sunday after Sunday. He spoke of the fact that at least in our church he heard “something,” unlike in Bushiri’s church. Although that is encouraging to a pastor, it was clear that he was not saved. We continued to encouraged and share the gospel with him. So did other members of the church.
After about three months of visiting, Tony’s whole language had changed. He described himself in terms such as “my previous life,” “I now see how lost I was,” and “I feel like someone has switched the lights on.” My wife and I were both excited and cautious. We prayed with joy and continued to encourage them.
Tony continues to grow in leaps and bounds. To this day, we see a man who is hungry for truth, passionate about making truth known to his family and friends, and whose heart breaks for those of his family who continue following false teachers. Continue to keep him in prayer that he will shine the light of the gospel as bright as he can.
Prayer Requests
Here’s what you could be praying for:
- Pray for me as I recover from the operation: It takes about two weeks for the operation to heal completely.
- Pray for more opportunities to reach out to the community of Rustenburg.
- Pray for God to use us with the opportunities that we already have to use them for his and declare the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for the growth of Central Baptist Church Rustenburg.