Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
It has been a period of famine in terms of numerical growth. However, we are most encouraged and are rejoicing because it has also been a time of a great harvest in terms of spiritual growth. As elders, we feel very encouraged to be steadfast in our teaching and preaching ministries as we see good signs of spiritual growth in our church members.
Bheki’s daughter (Nonto, ten years old) has been in hospital for the last four weeks due to a broken leg, which got infected. The doctors have performed a couple of operations on her to try and correct the problem and also prevent infections. We are hoping she will be back home this week still as she has already missed two weeks of school. Pray for the family to be encouraged at this time and also for Nonto to be fully healed as she is still in hospital.
Even though she has been in hospital, she has become a great encouragement to us as leaders of the church. In the pictures below, you can see the notes she has made while in hospital bed reminding herself of the things she learned from our Bible study in systematic theology. Indeed, our work is not in vain!
Five Solas Sermon Series
On Sunday, 6 October, we started a new sermon series called “Five Solas—Even the Reformed need a Reformation,” which will comprise of five sermons aimed at dealing with each of the Solas of the Reformation. We desire for the sermon series to address us as Reformed believers and the challenges we face in the 21st century. We are trying to avoid the pitfall of thinking that a Reformation is meant for the Roman Catholic Church and that, since we are not members of the Roman Catholic Church, we are not in need of a Reformation. Instead we want these five solas to address the issues that we as Reformed people struggle with and are in need of Reformation on. Here are the summaries of the topics:
- Scripture Alone (no room for continuationism). Preacher: Sello Rasephei. In this topic, we will be trying to establish the Scripture as the sole and final authority for us as Christians. We will also be warning against the dangers of opening the door to continuationism, specifically in relation to prophecy, dreams, and visions.
- Grace Alone (predestination is necessary for grace to make sense). Preacher: Bheki Bembe. In this topic, we will be trying to show that grace is really unmerited as seen in the doctrine of predestination, which we as individuals have played no role in.
- Faith Alone (covenant of works failed). Preacher: Bheki Bembe. In this topic, we will be trying to show that Adam and Eve failed in the covenant of works such that it would be absurd for anyone to think that faith alone is not necessary for salvation.
- Christ Alone (there is only one way of salvation for all ages). Preacher: Sello Rasephei. In this topic, we will be trying to show that salvation through Jesus Christ alone is not a New Testament invention but has always been God’s only plan of salvation and this fact will never change.
- To God Alone Be the Glory (theology must lead to doxology). Preacher: Sello Rasephei. In this topic, we will be trying to show that our study of theology is not an end to itself, but rather a means that God has established to lead us to better worship of him. If theology does not lead to worship then our attitude towards theology is misplaced. As a result, we get the glory and not God alone who deserves it.
Our evangelism efforts have been disrupted for a few weeks, but we plan to start again this coming weekend. We pray for the word and encouragement to the members who are engaged in this ministry.
We are also planning our annual thanksgiving service, which will take place in November. As usual, we plan to have a guest speaker on the day. We pray that all goes well as we also use the opportunity to evaluate our members’ activities and involvement with the church.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Nonto for healing.
- We have a lot of church members in need of jobs, so please pray for grace in that regard.
- Please pray with us for much fruit and wisdom as we labour in the word of God.
Yours in Christ,
Bheki Bembe and Sello Rasephei