“You are good and do good” (Psalm 119:68). A wonderful passage that our late brother George Muller preached at his wife’s funeral. In all his dealings with us, the Lord is good and does good, always.

Personal life and family

I have been trying to take care of myself wholly; that is targeting not just my spiritual life but also my body by exercising and watching what I eat. Unfortunately, I have not been consistent. By God’s grace, I will continue fighting for a good health because I see its value especially in contributing towards a longevity in ministry.

I have also started studying towards my Bachelor of Theology degree, but online, which affords me the privilege to take fewer modules that cater for my lack of time. The knowledge I am gaining is refreshing my soul, enlightening my mind, and makes me to be a more helpful vessel to my people.

We are also growing with my wife Nomvula. She is a pillar for me, a truly God-sent helper. Her growing influence with the ladies is also very helpful in the ministry. But also, her contribution to my own sanctification has been priceless. Indeed, it feels like it is only now that I am really understanding true sanctification practically speaking that is.

Vaal Reformed Baptist Church

At the end of last year, the other elder who I was leading with left to pursue an internship with a likeminded church. That struck a blow to us in the sense that we were the only two elders and to lose one was hard to accept. But the words “the Lord does good,” quoted above are our encouragement. This means I am back again having to oversee this church and the ever-growing church plant in Orange Farm. We are praying for more qualified men to be raised in our church to serve as elders, because I truly see the need for plurality in eldership.

But the work continues, the church is growing, we have about two families (African and white) and a student interested in membership. We have had recent visits as well both from families and students. We praise the Lord!

We have also had opportunities to assist members with physical needs, like driving the elderly, and even cutting some trees as you can see below.

Orange Farm Reformed Baptist Church (church plant)

The church plant has been growing. The Lord blessing us in a way that only he can. The youth attending has increased, the young adults as well, the much younger ones as well, so much so that we have had to move out of the sitting room where we were meeting and start worshipping in the garage because the space was just not enough. Therefore, attendees came during the week to prepare the garage and get it ready for worship. We praise the Lord! He is good and does good!

We have also continued to receive support from individuals coming to preach more regularly like Nkali Mashiane and also from churches such as Kathorus Bible Church, who have been coming to do Bible study on the foundations of the faith every month, at their own cost. Also, we received support from Brackenhurst Baptist Church to buy Bibles for the new people so that people can have the word of God in their language. We praise the Lord for such support for us. Indeed, the Lord is good and does good!

Prayer points

Pray for:

  1. More qualified men to be raised/sent to both churches to serve.
  2. Praise to the Lord for adding to his church daily those who are being saved.
  3. Praise for the support received from churches and individuals.
Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.

In him,

Athi Mgqibelo