Grace to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I am writing to provide you with an update regarding the events and progress within our church since our previous report.

It was with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to one of our beloved church elders, Sello Rasephei. After many years of dedicated service to our congregation, brother Sello has made the difficult decision to relocate to the US with his family because of work commitments. This report also serves as a tribute to their exceptional service and the impact they have had on our church community.

The Rasephei family have always been part of the church from the beginning. Brother Sello was one of the most influential people in our early church planting endeavours. He was the man behind the mic during most of our open-air preaching. The church will miss this family, which has been an inspiration to us all. Pearl Rasephei was mostly involved with Sunday school and with song-leading in the church during the worship service.

As already alluded, the Rasephei family has been an integral part of our church family for many years, serving with unwavering dedication and commitment. To honor the Rasepheis’ years of service, we hosted a heartfelt farewell celebration on 23 July 2023. All members expressed their appreciation with a collective gift for the family. We extend our prayers and blessings for their journey. While they will be dearly missed, we are confident that God will continue to use their gifts and talents in their new community.

Brethren, I am pleased to report that our church community continues to grow and thrive. Our congregation has remained dedicated to worship and service, and our efforts to reach out to the community have borne fruit. We have seen an increase in attendance at our Sunday services and a growing sense of unity among our members.

We continue to be grateful to the Lord for the land that was purchased for us, a very generous and heart-warming gift. We are still working on the land as far as the yard is concerned. We are progressively levelling the place and creating more space for car parking. And we praise the Lord for the fact that we have not seen any attack or resistance or improper discussion about our church in months now. It seems that finally we are in a good understanding with our community. The community has accepted the fact that there is a church among them, and we continue to pray that they will also see the church as their home soon.

This month we will be hosting our first conference since moving to the area and we are delighted to be the hosts of the Isolezwi conference, which is an annual conference involving seven like-minded churches. Last year, we had the privilege of hosting Pastor Conrad Mbewe, who came to preach and teach our churches through this conference. Hosting this conference this year would give us the opportunity to reach the community in large numbers.

The opportunity to host the conference has allowed us to carry out essential maintenance and improvements to our church building, ensuring that it remains welcoming and a functional place for worship. We give thanks to God for the commitment and effort invested by our church members and supportive friends, both financially and through their skills, to help us prepare. It was a great joy for me to experience our church members from young to old painting the church and decorating it.

We are dedicated to nurturing our children in reverence for the Lord. As some of them are now at the point of making career choices and transitioning into adulthood, we humbly request your prayers. May the godly values and teachings we’ve instilled in them bear fruit, and may they recognise God’s guidance as they navigate their paths forward.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and dedication to our church.

Yours in Christ’s service,

Bheki Bembe