Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
“May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”
My dear brothers and sisters, Peter prays that they might experience sanctifying grace, growing spiritually, and maturing in their Christian walk. Peter also prays for sanctifying peace in their lives so they wouldn’t become dissatisfied and open themselves to all kinds of false teachings that promise new, exciting super-exhilarating experiences, which in the end bring only slavery and despair. Peter prays that grace and peace won’t only be given but that it will also be multiplied because God is interested in changed lives and not just the intellectual pursuits of Christianity. Peter isn’t talking about factual, intellectual knowledge about Christ, but about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which comes through an understanding and application of the word of God to one’s experience. Knowledge must convert to lifestyle! Knowledge of facts doesn’t make us grow spiritually; it is yielding to the Christ of Scripture that makes for real growth in the Christian life. Christ is ours, and everything we need to know to be effective Christians is found in him and the inspired word.
The Cramer Family
As you read this report, you will notice that it is slightly shorter than usual. This is due to Michelle and I taking some time away to be with our daughter Shelby, as she prepared to give birth to our granddaughter, Rae. I have been commuting the 200km for services and Bible studies to minimise church disruption. Well, on the 14 April, we were blessed to meet our little Rae, a little early, but she entered this world so peacefully, after a birth that had the potential to endanger the lives of both her and Shelby. After many hours of labour, an emergency C-section was necessary. After much prayer, standing in the cold and wind outside the maternity ward window (COVID-19 restrictions), praise God, a healthy mom and baby! We spent the rest of the month in town, after Shelby being discharged, with Michelle (Granny) coaching her daughter and I (Grampy) helping André finish the house on the farm to receive the new bundle of joy. In all the decisions at the hospital, we see God’s hand, praise God! For Shelby and Rae’s safety we see God’s hand, we pray God’s hand on her life, that she knows him and pleases him in all that she does. Do please pray with us.
We were blessed to celebrate our 27th anniversary on 17 April and were surprised by a group from our church, at our own home, with a huge celebration. I praise God that he has blessed me with my own unique wife and a wonderful church family.
Please continue to pray for our children. Sven has recovered from COVID-19 in the UK. Angelique and Freddie will be visiting next month; Tristan and Natalia are looking at property in Florida; Shelby and André that they be godly parents. Above all, please pray that our children are gospel focused.
Our Church
After our Easter services, which was a great blessing, we have started preaching through 2 Peter. I am amazed by how our teaching and Bible studies are also starting to give birth to fruit, in that the positive profession and lifestyle changes are starting to reflect. Questions that are posed by myself are no longer being answered by me! Doctrine is starting to show in lifestyle and are being used in discussions with family members at home. The children are reflecting this by using what they have learnt at home to answer in Sunday school. To God be the glory. Please pray that this growth continues.
As I have been away, I have not been walking in the community, but have continued to interact via WhatsApp with those that I have a connection with. Individual evangelism has continued. Please continue to pray for fruit.
Our online sermon posts continue to go well, despite some technical glitches over Easter. More and more Christians are leaving the group as their churches have started gaining momentum after COVID-19; however, the group is growing via word of mouth throughout Africa. For this we give thanks and glory to God. Please pray that many will come to faith in Christ through this group and are joined with Bible churches in their area.
Ministry Opportunities and Involvement
Our new term has started at BI, where we will be studying NT1 (Intertestamental Period and Gospels). I have gained three new students and three have been moved, do be in prayer for them all as they continue to prove diligent in their studies. Most of these students are ministers in sometimes terrible conditions. Do pray that they persevere through their studies and in the harvest.
Our Brothers at Prison are doing well and are fervently pursuing a deeper knowledge of Christ. Any gifts are normally frowned upon by the authorities, but they have graciously allowed us to annually present these men with a shoebox filled with toiletries and stationery. This is because of their good witness in Christ within the prison. Please continue to pray for all these men.
Please Pray
- that our brothers and sisters stand firm in the faith, despite heinous suffering;
- that our church and likeminded churches be strengthened;
- that individual Christians are not swept away by strange doctrine;
- that doors open in Capricorn for a venue for Bible study;
- that saints continue to grow in knowledge and wisdom;
- that the gospel message saturates our area; and
- for physical safety for saints in our daily lives.
Thank you for taking time to read my report and for praying for us.
Yours in Christ,
Des Cramer
Coastal Bible Church
Muizenberg, South Africa