Living Hope Church is a Bible-teaching church meeting on Sundays in Hatfield, Pretoria. Our Gospel Community Groups meet during the week in Capital Park, Faerie Glen, Hatfield, Muckleneuk, and Sunnyside.

We want Jesus Christ to have first place in everything in our church. We want to help you know and follow Jesus in all of life, and to help you help others do the same.

Our church started in October 2009 with a small group of people with a passion to glorify God in downtown Sunnyside, Pretoria. We didn’t have a lot of resources on our own, but we believed we served a powerful God. After all, he raised Jesus from the dead and sat him at his right hand in the heavenly places! Not only that, he raised us from the spiritual dead and gave us new life in Christ!

Over the past several years we have seen God do some amazing things in our midst. The truth is, in many ways, from a human perspective at least, this is a church that shouldn’t be possible. One of the biggest obstacles to our church’s existence is our demographic—we don’t really have one. Pretoria is full of Zimbabwean churches, Afrikaans churches, rich churches, poor churches, Nigerian churches, Congolese churches, but we just want to honour God by actively and proactively seeking to be a church for all believers. And to some, that doesn’t seem possible. For a time, we wondered if it were possible. A Bible-teaching church, a deep church, a gospel-centred church for all believers? Rich and poor with real relationships, educated and uneducated learning from each other, people putting off superior and inferior attitudes that they picked up from the world and relating to each other in Christ? But, it is happening! It really is.

God cares for his people. We know that looking back to what he accomplished on the cross, but we also know that from looking at what’s happening in the lives of individuals in our church, and from what God is doing in our church as a community and family in Christ. The book of Ephesians says the church is God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which he prepared beforehand for us to do. And looking at our church, we see the beauty of God’s work on display week after week!

We would love to have you join us!

Church Name: Living Hope Church
Country: South Africa
Region: Gauteng
City: Queenswood

Physical Address:
327 Hilda Street
South Africa

Josh Mack
Donovan Drew
Andre De Wit
Alan Lester
Safari Mukeru

Administrative Staff:
Pastoral Assistant: Blake Scheideman

Church Website:

Read Heritage Baptist Church news here.