Laban3To Sola-5 Friends and Fellow Members, Monte Christo Baptist Church has no news. Apart from the growth we have reported three month ago or so in DSCF5275our prayer letter, namely discipling a number of candidates for baptism in every three months, while holding another number for the next discipleship class, the most exciting news among us is a good number of men who are willing to be trained for church diaconate and eldership. We do not know how to explain the conversion to reformed theology we see among the Pentecostals. We have a quite number of men and women who are looking to Monte Christo to assist them toward the doctrine of grace.

The most joyous omissions conference we have last week at Oshakati and Eenanha is posted on my Facebook. There I have written Our mission conference has been heading well. We have started Monday the 17th, August 2015, with morning teachings, afternoon questions and fellowship, while evening with the main service. Pastor Daniel Williams teaching and Rhonda Sheets teaching women, the two have been teaching the deep truth of the Christian Faith. The program continued Tuesday, and end on Wednesday the 19th, at Oshakati Christian Baptist Church. Thursday was our day off, a Laban2day-rest for the team. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the program continued at Eenhana Mission Baptist Church. The theme of the conference is triples, namely,

1. The ultimate truth and final authority of Scriptures.

2. The ultimate truth and final authority of Jesus Christ.

3. The ultimate truth and final authority of the Holy Spirit.

Our Baptist Family in Namibia has shown maturity this time. We have supported each other in prayer, attendance, and demonstration of love in this conference, the three Baptist Missions in Namibia, and that is,

Laban11. Evangelical Baptist Church in Namibia

2. Mission Baptist Church in Namibia and

3. Christian Baptist Church in Namibia, have stood behind us and supported us as we work toward the goal. Apart from Amy, Rhonda, Steve and Dan from Arrowbrook Baptist Church, in the USA, and Stephanie from Eastside Baptist Church, in Windhoek, we must, at the same time, thank Nine Marks Ministry for selling us books at the less and affordable price.

1. Oshakati picture, many of these men on your left side are Pentecostal friends taught by Pastor Dan from the USA, Dan is a reformed brother who fell in love with mission in Namibia.

Laban Mwashekele GS2. Overnight prayer every last Friday of the month at Monte Christo Baptist Church

3. Eenhana picture where attended by a number of people from Angola to learn more about reformed faith.

Laban Mwashekele (Pastor)