Cross Current2

Cross-Current is an inter-church ministry aimed at enhancing the fellowship among the Evangelical young adult community. Cross-Current seeks to promote a love for sound doctrine, holy living and a passion for God’s glory.

Every year, around this time in Gauteng, a group of young adults (post-matric to 30s) meet for a weekend of fellowship called Cross-Current. This year the camp takes place from the 4th – 6th of April at camp Kimiad. It Cross Currentis run by Heritage Baptist Church and seeks to “promote a love for sound doctrine, holy living and a passion for God’s glory. This is done through God-honouring preaching that is expositional and that seeks to be faithful to Scripture as well as a yearly biographical sketch of one of the Giants of the Faith. We also desire to worship God in joyful song and meaningful Christian fellowship.” This year’s speaker is Grant Retief, pastor of Christ Church Umhlanga (Durban).

Grant_ReteifGrant is married to Lillibet and they have three sinful children – aged 10, 7 and 4. Born into a ministry family, saved at an early age, his greatest privilege in life has been to preach the authoritative and sufficient word of God – to himself first, and then to God’s church. In his spare moments, he enjoys listening to progressive heavy metal, drinking coffee, watching action flicks and reading books.

For more info on the camp and how to book go to and see their Facebook page at Current3

Kimiad Campsite: