Plenary Session 1
Spurgeon said: “He who is not fit to be his own schoolmaster is not fit to be schoolmaster to other people. If you cannot catechise your own heart, and drill a truth into your own soul, you do not know how to teach other people. The best preaching in the world is that which is done at home.”
The old adage says that churches in Africa are a mile wide and an inch deep. What can African churches do to deepen their biblical roots? It starts with deep preachers, immersed in Scripture and holy living, who then will preach deep sermons.
The Need for Deep Preaching
Plenary Session 2
Spurgeon said: “Let the dogs bark, it is their nature to. Go on preaching Christ crucified.”
Scripture calls shepherds to preach Christ crucified, not prosperity or feel good sermons. The human wisdom of the world will perish but the message of the cross endures.
The Need for Christ-centred Preaching
Plenary Session 3
Spurgeon said: “I know your ambition, young man; you want to preach here, to these thousands; be content, and begin with the ones.”
In our world of celebrity preachers, pastors fight the temptation to be known. But Christ has called us to make him known and to remain content in obscurity if that’s where he places us.
The Need for Unrecognised Preaching
Plenary Session 4
Spurgeon said: “Stop preaching! Stop Preaching! Let the sun stop shining, and we will preach in darkness. Let the waves stop their ebb and flow, and still our voice shall preach the gospel.”
Pastors much preach even in the midst of suffering and resistance, even when their desire cools and the hearts of the flock harden.
The Need for Persistent Preaching
Plenary Session 5
Spurgeon and Missions
Plenary Session 6
Spurgeon said: “I had been waiting to do fifty things, but when I heard this word—‘Look’—what a charming word it seemed to me! Oh, I looked until I could almost have looked my eyes away, and in Heaven I will look on still in my joy unutterable.”
A fifteen-year-old Spurgeon popped into a small Methodist Chapel during a snow storm to hear an old deacon preach. His text was Isaiah 45:22. That evening, he was converted.
The church foolishly looks for new methods to attract sinners. God’s method is always the same: using the word to call sinners to Christ. In this passage, Isaiah calls the nations, including idolators, to turn to God for salvation.