Reformed Faith Mission is a body of believers dedicated to following the life, examples, and teachings of Jesus Christ. We seek to bring people into a saving relationship with God by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service and witnessing of our faith. As a Sola Scriptura congregation, we strive to spread the love of Jesus to people of all races, creeds, and backgrounds.

Quintin, Jennifer Maneville and daughter Zoe (2 years)

Quintin, Jennifer Maneville and daughter Zoe (2 years)

Being a reformed church plant in a dominantly Pentecostal / Charismatic environment we are right in the centre of all sorts of demonic believes and activities. From your very well-known TBN prosperity gospel to apostles, prophets, visions and even churches planted by gangsters. Anything goes as long as it feels nice, sounds new, hyped up, feels mysterious or mystical and prophesy in somebody’s favour. Under these circumstances gangsterism flourishes, prostitution increases, drugs is the norm and Christ is the answer to whatever my flesh needs.

It is in this environment that the Lord of Host choice to sprinkle some salt. It is of this place that the Lord said “…And other

Mario & Charlene Maneville & sons Tyran-11yr & Nathan 7yrs

Mario & Charlene Maneville & sons Tyran-11yr & Nathan 7yrs

sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” – John 10:16 This is the Samaria that “…He needed to go through.” – John 4:4.

I asked a pastor once why he is a Pentecostal. After a moment of thinking about it he answered, “Dis hoe ek dit ontvang het broer” (“That is how I received it brother”). Our hearts goes out for these pastors. A lot of them does not even show any fruit that fit repentance. Being a pastor is the “in-thing” here. You can even buy a title as a pastor. This is no joke! You can be ordained as a pastor, apostle or prophet. To give an example… Someone we know paid R5000 to be ordained as an apostle. You even get a package for pastors that includes members. Brothers, I’m not sharing this for your amusement. This is a horrible tragedy!
Jeremiah 5: 30 ” An astonishing and horrible thing Has been committed in the land:
31The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?

What will the end be of my brothers that are following the deception of an imported American false gospel that results in false converts and two times sons of hell! They love to have it so.

May the Lord help us to be ambassadors for Him carrying in vessels of clay the glory of the true gospel being committed to the ministry of reconciliation, “…as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”- 2Corinthians 5:20.

Being part of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement ourselves my brother, Quinton and I understand the mindset and culture of this movement especially amongst our coloured people. We were both leaders from both extremes… that is prosperity preaching and Word of Faith. I was also involved in the legalistic, all law with little to no grace side of Pentecostalism. What the Lord has done for us is our prayer for every Pentecostal that is trapped in this false movement.

Our background gives us an open door to many of the Pentecostal churches in our area and the Lord has allowed us to preach in their churches and even counsel some of them.

It is our goal to facilitate several Pastor’s Seminars that would be geared at bringing our Pentecostal pastors back to the old path… back to the Bible! They are bombarded with TD Jakes philosophies and Benny Hinn’s magic, but no one to challenge that type of thinking. They follow the crowd, because no one is pointing to another way and the way of the crowd is satisfying their fleshly desires.

We need to lift up the standard and show them who the real God of the Bible is.

Our first seminar is on 28th of June 2014. We need all the prayer support we can get. We are expecting about 20 pastors with some of their leaders attending. We are catering for 50 people and am trusting God to supply our every need. We do not charge for these seminars and wants to put as much sound material in these pastors hands as we can. We are grateful for the support of Goodwood Baptist Church who has shown us nothing but love and much needed encouragement. We would like to have at least 4-6 of these seminars a year. We hope to have the following one in September this year.

The topics we will cover for this 28th June seminar:
• The relevance of the Bible today (Sola Scriptura) – Martin Drysdale
• Biblical requirements for church leadership in a modern dispensation – Des Cramer
• The pastor as family leader, church leader and community leader. ?????

My brothers, this article is just a look through the key hole of the door of our ministry. What I shared is probably my lack of being able to filter all the information that is rushing through my head while I’m typing this. We are still young and ignorant and in need of much prayer. The pastors we minister to have seen us grow up before their very eyes. The Lord has bestowed upon us the burden for Bellville South… to see souls saved and churches reformed. Who is sufficient for these things?
2Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?

May the Lord give us the grace to feel the words of Paul burn in our hearts: “…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” – 1Corinthians 9:16

Soli Deo Gloria
Mario Maneville

Reformed Faith Mission