Associations vs Denominations

Associations vs Denominations

What is Sola 5 doing? What does Sola 5 do? These are two common questions posed by interested parties wanting to know how Sola 5 functions and how it ministers. What ministries does Sola 5 run, oversee, and support? What churches is it planting? What does Sola 5...
Worthy of Worship Conference

Worthy of Worship Conference

What is congregational singing? Answers to this question are permeated with a myriad of opinions influenced by experience, culture and conviction. How much weight should these elements bear, if any? More importantly, what does the Bible have to say about...


To the Elders, Leaders and members of likeminded churches: Dear Brothers, On behalf of the Germiston Baptist church, I greet you in the name of our glorious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and trust that you are experiencing His joy in your service of Him. The reason I...