

Articles from Sola 5 Pastors

Repentance: The Missing Note In Today’s Preaching

Repentance: The Missing Note In Today’s Preaching

I have observed with a growing concern how repentance is no longer a clear call in much of today’s preaching. This may not necessarily be true all over the world but as I listen more and more to various preachers on African soil this is certainly true here on our...

Where is Your Timothy?

Where is Your Timothy?

Recently I was privileged to do a week’s teaching at a Bible college on the subject of missions. While there, I made the following statement in a radio interview, which took place before the student body and faculty: “Neither Bible colleges nor seminaries produce...

Pastoring by Pen

Pastoring by Pen

Over the last couple of years a few people have said to me that they “like my blog.” My response is usually the same: “I have a blog?” Of course, they are referring to thisPastors’ Pen section of the website (or the hard copies available at the church building)....

Desire, Doughnuts and Destination

Desire, Doughnuts and Destination

Recently I travelled overseas to visit my family. I flew from Johannesburg via Frankfurt and then directly to the United States. As the plane approached touchdown in the USA I could hardly wait to disembark, clear customs and then head for Dunkin Donuts in the next...

The Tragedy of Compromise

The Tragedy of Compromise

It is good from time to time to take a step back and re-evaluate what it is to which God has called us—and Ernest Pickering helps us to do that in his book, The Tragedy of Compromise published by Bob Jones University Press. He raises two questions: Was God’s primary...

Saving Christians From Joyce Meyer

Saving Christians From Joyce Meyer

“Save yourselves from this crooked generation!” (Acts 2:40). “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16). “My brothers if anyone among you wanders from the truth...

When Silence Screams

When Silence Screams

I recently read the book, Practicing Affirmation by Sam Crabtree. If I could afford to, I would buy a copy for every member of BBC. It really is that good. It is the first book that I have come across that specifically deals with this essential theme. My only regret...

A Terror-able Government

A Terror-able Government

On 7 May South Africans will once again vote in a democratic election. I well remember the first one in 1994 and the incredible experience of seeing people lined up at polling stations to cast their vote. The Lord was gracious to us as a nation as peace reigned at a...