How does a local church apply for membership in Sola 5?
The application process is very straightforward. The obvious prerequisite is that the church must be familiar with the Confession, Core Values and Constitution of Sola 5, and declare herself to be in agreement with these documents.
The first step would be to download the application form (see below). Second, complete the form in full and submit it, with the required supporting documentation, to the Sola 5 Coordinator at the address given on the application form.
The Sola 5 Steering Committee will screen the application for correctness and, once complete, table it for consideration at the next annual business meeting (normally during the first week in September).
Download the application form here. To complete the application, you will need the following information:
- the names and contact details of the church’s elders;
- a copy of your church’s Constitution, Confession of Faith, and Covenant (first time applicants only);
- the residential and postal addresses of your church; and
- a letter of commendation from an existing Sola 5 church.