South Africa’s loss is England’s gain. So we would all concur as we say goodbye to our brother and fellow pastor, Peter Sammons.
Peter, having accepted the call to Artillery Street Evangelical Church in Colchester, England, leaves our land and does so bequeathing a legacy of fruitful pastoral faithfulness and brotherly love for the wider body of Christ. He will be sorely missed.
Peter was a leading figure behind the founding of Sola 5 and a steady and wise brother, who helped our association to grow from strength to strength over the years. Peter not only loved his own local church, the Germiston Baptist Church where he served as pastor for over 22 years, but he loved sister churches as well. His love for and commitment to the Reformed faith was a key component, over many decades, in seeing its healthy spread.
When Peter began his pastorate at Newcastle Baptist Church there were only a handful of reformed Baptist churches in our country. Yet, doubtless through his influence, this biblical movement has spread far and wide in South Africa and beyond. Yet I can also personally testify of Peter’s warm catholic spirit in patiently and lovingly embracing those who were notReformed. Peter’s kindness to me paved the way for my own reformation, and that of our church. Thank you, my brother!
Peter’s love for other pastors was expressed in many ways, including his leadership of the Spurgeon Fraternal. Many of us have benefited from this ministry over the years. Peter’s example of fraternal love among pastors is a virtue we should all imitate.
Peter’s faithful ministry at Germiston Baptist Church will no doubt be sorely missed. His faithful perseverance in both times of joy and times of unimaginable sorrow serve us well as an example of steadfast love for Christ and his church. We look forward to how the Lord will continue to use our brother both in his new pastorate as well as in new pastoral friendships he will encounter in the UK. Again, our loss is their gain.
God bless you Peter and Sue.
With much affection,
Doug Van Meter
On behalf of Sola 5