3Rivers Baptist Church (Vereeniging, South Africa) has had an exciting year seeing the Lord at work and we praise Him for that!


3Rivers Baptist Church


Jaymé, Kobus and Thian

After years of meeting in Kobus and Jeanne’s home on Sunday mornings, the Lord has provided us with a lovely venue at Three Rivers Guest Lodge, where we can fellowship every Sunday in beautiful surroundings at a minimal fee. We are so thankful for this. We are also planning to start English Services in the new year as an outreach to people in the Vaal Triangle. Your prayers in this regard will be very much appreciated.

Since the end of last year, 6 new members were added to our congregation! We also had 2 young teenagers who came to know the Lord and who were baptised – what a blessing!

Our congregation has also decided to adopt Tommie and Allison Van Der Walt (from Brackenhurst Baptist Church) as missionary couple. They are scheduled to leave for India at the end of March 2016. We will not only support them financially but also emotionally as well as spiritually. What a great privilege and we look forward to this.


Tommie & Allison van der Walt (with Logan & McKenna)

Tommie & Allison van der Walt (with Logan & McKenna)

We also decided that our Church will undergo a name change and in future we will be known as 3Rivers Baptist Church (3RBC in short).0-4RBK-LOGO Purper

Activities and Bible Studies

This year we started two support groups. One for people grieving the loss of a loved one (“Grief Share”), the other for people going through a divorce (“Divorce Care”). Both courses run for a number of weeks (13) helping people work through their losses in a Godly way and has truly proved a great blessing.

Kobus and Jeanne has also started a support group for married couples whose children has left the home. It runs every 2nd Sunday afternoon and is called ’’Geliefdes vir Altyd’’.

Other activities during the week include ladies Bible studies on a Monday and Thursday afternoon respectively, as well as a Church meeting on a Wednesday evening where we are currently studying the book of Revelation. Please continue to pray for spiritual and numerical growth, unity and that we would stay true to God’s word.


Kobus (Pastor) and Jeanne van der Walt


Some of the Brothers enjoying a Saturday morning brunch











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Our Ladies “Grief Share” Leaders


Trudie, Dalene, Judith and Liesl (not in picture) at the Susannah Fellowship meeting in Midrand


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Our accompanists


Welcoming new members – Fraser and Dalene Butterworth


Always time for coffee







Nico and Soniah van der Walt visit our Church (in conversation with Johan)



“The Bold and the Beautiful” (youngest and oldest members)


Thian’s baptism



Jaymé’s baptism